(Photo: Laurent Chantegros)
I LOVE shaping surfboards and I'm kinda obsessed with this craft. Even though I am about to shape my 243th board I'm still considering myself as a novice but I hope to become a master one day... This blog is a virtual portfolio and a diary of my journey in the shaping world. Feel free to leave comments or contact me directly at valerie@meremadesurfboards.com.

Valerie Duprat
-Shaper of Mère-Made Surfboards

Friday, September 30, 2016

board#116: mini-malibu for Tracy

The gift of Love

Dimensions: 7'1 x 22 1/2 x 2 7/8
[completed in November 2015]

The story: I have known Tracy for many many years. She actually has a pretty "old" Mere-Made surfboard : #016 ! (click here to see it). This time the order didn't come from her but from her boyfriend, Bruno. He decided to surprise her with a new custom board and he brought her to my house for her birthday.  Until he drove into my street she had no idea where they were going. I was waiting for them with a bottle of champagne and a blank order form ;)

The shape: Board#016 was a 7'6 egg and Tracy which is ideal in very small summer surf. She also has a shortboard for the winter big swells. She needed something in between, for everyday surf. As she is a very experienced surfer who grew up in California, she knew exactly what she wanted and I just had to take notes on the order form. To make sure I got the volumes right, she came to check it out once I was finished in case she wanted les foam.

The artwork: because it was a gift coming from her boyfriend, she wanted something that would remind her how much they love each other. She send me a very cute sketch of a couple of sea horses. I fell in love myself with this design! For the first time, I did an unusual fading with the darker area centered on the stringer and going lighter towards the rails. 

Note: I just realized that Tracy has board #016 and #116: exactly a hundred board in between !!!!

Bruno and Tracy (and board#116)

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